PDP - People Driven Performance
PDP stands for People Driven Performance
Here you will find, what does PDP stand for in Software under Computing category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate People Driven Performance? People Driven Performance can be abbreviated as PDP What does PDP stand for? PDP stands for People Driven Performance. What does People Driven Performance mean?People Driven Performance is an expansion of PDP
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Alternative definitions of PDP
- Programmable Data Processor
- Prescription Drug Plan
- Personal Development Planning
- Parallel Distributed Processing
- Professional Development Program
- Personal Development Plan
- Policy Decision Point
- Partido Demócrata Popular
View 135 other definitions of PDP on the main acronym page
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- POS Parsons Office Systems
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- PEIS Planet Earth Internet Services
- PCP Prescription Center Plus
- PILL Patel Integrated Logistics Ltd
- PFCU Portland Federal Credit Union
- PDOA Pee Dee Orthopaedic Assoc
- PTP Pico Thailand PLC
- PFC Pope Francis Center
- PET Peterborough Evening Telegraph
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